The Outfit That Makes Me Feel Beautiful
Melanie's Corner
Feb 2, 2018
Melanie Elturk
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I feel like I say this a lot - in fact I know I say this a lot - but this is one of my fave outfits EVER. Something about it made me feel so confident and beautiful - I can't explain it! Check out the video of me in it loving life - you'll see ;)
I'm sure it has to do with the high-waisted slim ankle yet baggy thigh pants (LOVE pants like that), the cozy sweater (as I live and BREATHE), collared shirt (my JAM) and beautiful print that makes me glow (It's the Ink Blot Hijab and it's AMAZING). 
Do you guys have any outfits like this? One's that just make you feel like you can conquer the world? Let me know what they are below! Enjoy, xoxo, Mel
Would you wear this look? Let me know in the comments below and be sure to follow me on Instagram @hautehijab for more inspo!
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