A Hijabi's Guide to Packing for Your Honeymoon
Jun 9, 2013
Melanie Elturk
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Wedding season is well underway so we're starting our new "Hijabi's Guide to..." feature with packing for your honeymoon! Your honeymoon will be one of the most memorable trips you ever take, so ensuring you pack the essentials is crucial.
1) Maxi Dresses and Skirts
More than likely you'll be traveling to a sunny, tropical destination that will include high temperatures and possible humidity. You'll want to avoid layering as much as possible and maxi dresses and skirts are the best way to do that. Check out our blog post on How To Work a Maxi Dress for more tips.
2) Leave Your Jeans at Home
Take my advice and leave the jeans at home. I made the mistake of wearing jeans on an island resort in the Philippines and I was sticky and uncomfortable all day. If you must wear pants, pack comfy yet chic lightweight trousers that are roomy in the hip and thigh area. This will help tremendously, especially if you plan on hiking or exploring the area during the day. Read our Summer Wardrobe Essentials post for more tips on what clothes to pack.
3) Lightweight Hijabs 
Leave your satins and other thicker fabrics at home. Stick to simple styles and the fewer pins the better. Make sure your hair is pinned up under your hijab to keep cool. The chiffon scarves and wraps in our collection are perfect lightweight options. 
4) Sun Hat + SPF + Aloe Vera
If you're going to a private destination and you're able to soak up the sun's rays or swim without covering up in a burkini, keep in mind that as hijabis we grow increasingly sensitive to the sun's intense rays since our skin is always covered up and away from the sun. Even if you're trying to get a tan, you'll definitely want to wear a hat, apply and reapply SPF and bring aloe vera with you to cool your skin once you're out of the sun. 
5) Burkini
Not going to a private destination? No problem! Enjoy the water sports, beach and pool just the same! My favorite Islamic swimwear is made by Veilkini. They don't show your figure and even when you get out of the water dripping wet, it doesn't stick to you! It also dries super fast. Don't forget to apply SPF on your face, hands and feet. Just because you're covered up doesn't mean you don't need to apply SPF on exposed skin!
6) Tripod
While this isn't exclusive to hijabis, one thing I never leave home without on any trip is my mini tripod. You'll want to remember this trip forever and awkward close-up photos of your face and husband's extended arm while he takes the photo will get old. This mini tripod from Best Buy is perfect for getting the perfect photo of the two of you.
For a more general and comprehensive list of things to pack on your honeymoon including aspirin, passports and sunglsses, check out The Knot's Master Honeymoon Checklist. One final tip: leave your cell phone's in the hotel and enjoy the trip technology free. These days, it's rare to go a day without some form of technology so enjoy the retreat. Soak up the sun, have fun and enjoy your time as newlyweds!
Do you have a suggestion for another "Hijabi's Guide to..." post? E-mail us at blog@hautehijab.com.
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