Nigella Lawson... in a Burkini!
Current Events
Mar 14, 2012
Melanie Elturk
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While TV food star Nigella Lawson took some heat for donning a burkini in the Australian sun, we can't help but applaud her for her modest choice of swimwear!
One writer at The Telegraph even calls it a "betrayal," and writes, "I mean, why? For the love of chocolate cloud cake with extra fudge sauce, WHY?... why didn’t someone save her from herself?" There have been many assumptions as to why the Nigella Bites star was sporting a burkini; from fear of sun exposure to a desire to hide her svelte figure. Regardless of the real reason for the burkini, we love the fact that Nigella frolicked in the Sydney sun covered up with her dignity intact.
There were some who, despite their initial shock, couldn't help but admire her swimwear choice. Madeleine Bunting from The Guardian writes, 
"On a beach, a woman is expected to expose her body, and it's that refusal which has captured attention. Lawson is defying our social conventions to protect herself – her privacy and her skin. And there is a sneaking understanding, even admiration, in many quarters for her gesture."
We couldn't agree more. Nigella purchased her burkini from an Islamic swimwear company, Modestly Active, which has stores in the east London suburbs. What do you think of Nigella's burkini?
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